Monday, January 18, 2021

Snow Covered Trees Winter Landscape Photos

Three reasons to get outside in Jericho, VT this week.
1. Not too cold out.
2. The fresh snow on the trees makes for a beautiful landscape.
3. The hot chocolate tastes all the better (after time outside).

Click on the photo for optimum viewing. 

Emailed comments

Hey there, Bernie-

Just to remind you, I love your postings!  You have the knack of composing them beautifully and your humor shines through.  And needless to say, you write from the heart about all things about nature which strikes a chord with me.

Following the Christmas Bird Count, my wife and I were out for a walk and were surprised by a flock of geese flying south!  We thought it was late for them to do so, but perhaps they started from far north like north of Hudson Bay?

Meanwhile, here at home, we have been enjoying watching birds come and go at our bird feeding center - 2 upright feeders, my new homemade tray feeder (how I love to watch birds dip into and back out of that feeder), and two suet & seed cages.  We attract the usual variety of locals and I believe that a gaggle of redpolls showed up within the last week or so.

We have an elevated boardwalk that divides our east gardens in two, and when I walked on it on Sunday, out came 6-8 dark-eyed juncos, perhaps from their refuge from the snowstorm!

Keep up the great postings, much appreciated!


  1. Bernie- Your photos remind us of what we were greeted by this morning when we also went out on snowshoes on our property - trees bowed down forming arches to walk under! We gently shook some of the snow off that allowed the trees to spring back upwards a bit. It is amazing how flexible especially birches are. I just completed building a cedar bench for two and we were looking for the best spot to put it for sounds of nature, view, etc.
