Friday, January 8, 2021

Our Multilayered Identities - a source of well being


Our Identities are Multilayered. 

 By Bernie Paquette, 

Feb 2009 revised

Broken, banished, and battered amidst ice and dirty slush, lay the most yellow of yellow roses - no stems just the flowers, three, and some loose pedals. Scooping them up in bare hands, they felt unnaturally cold. Cradling the pedals like a newly caught fragile butterfly, their soft texture decried life had not been extinguished from the golden yellow beauties, despite the hardships they had endured. 

After bringing the sunlight-colored pedals to handheld temperature, they were provided shelter in, as if meant to be, a yellow winter coat pocket. The buds seemed to unfold and expand like a bird fluffing its feathers while nestled in a shelter away from the cold. Placed in a glass on the kitchen table at home the yellow roses appeared ready to grow again. The loose petals on the table bordering the glass gave notice of the many layers that remained like the sunshine which reaches our face on a bitter cold day; yellow streams of warmth and beauty Un-yielding, Un-ending.

We all have layers forming our identity; career, family and friends, health conditions, financial stability, attitude, and life outlook, among others. One layer may fade or fall away only to give greater exposure to other layers that make up who we are as individuals. Fortunately, if we carefully observe ourselves as well as others, we can find the unique facets and moments that give us pleasure and brighten our day, reminding us that there are many elements to well-being and sometimes the loss of one preempt the greater recognition of another that awaits us.

Though recent events may weigh heavy on our thoughts, I wish for sunlight in each of your days. May we all find ways to better recognize injustices, and correct them as best we can. 


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