Monday, May 27, 2024

JFiN Mills Riverside Park Walk May 2024


JFiN - Jericho Families in Nature - Walk
May 4 at 2pm - Mills Riverside Park, Jericho

Virginia Ctenucha Moth Ctenucha virginica

999 FROGS WAKE UP Goodreads review

A new life from a life gone by.

Genus Anisodactylus - Ground Beetle

Join Jericho Families in Nature for adventure on trails and in natural areas close to home with other local families! Free and open to all. Walks are about an hour and rain or shine.

Upcoming . . .
June 2 at 10am - UVM Jericho Research Forest, Tarbox Rd, Jericho (new walk location for 2024!)
July 13 at 10am - Old Mill Trails (we'll meet in the parking next to the Red Mill in Jericho)

We had a lot of fun last season on JFiN Adventures- check it out

Lead us to Nature
we will never again
be lost. - Bernie

-The JFiN Team
Abbey, Bernie, Catherine, Laura and Liz

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