Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Jericho Clean Town Behaviors and Trashy headlines

Positive Disposal Behaviors 
Correlating individual behavior with a clean community.

With permission: Copyright Community Change, 2003, Cartoonist Kerry Millard.


Running after litter which has blown away
Litter picking is a Jericho All-Season Sport.
Drop a piece, you lose a point.
Pick up a piece you gain a point.

Bringing your own containers to take items home for reuse, recycling, composting, or disposal

Suggesting others pick up litter they have dropped
Yes, Francine, you are right; we need to get the word out that cigarette litter is particularly harmful to our water, wildlife, and human health.
Coordinating people to work together to clean up 
Green Up Day, a Jericho family tradition.
A pick-up if a ‘foul shot’ misses
the assist
One of Jericho's Adopt-A-Block volunteers.
Going out of your way to find a bin when there isn’t one nearby
trail blazing


Prompting others to do the right thing
Good people will do good.
 Just make it easy. -Josh Tetrick

Cleaning up after someone else
People who care about clean neighborhoods must pick up for people who don't care and litter.
True Vermonters don't throw down litter, 

    we pick it up.
Stuffing items into an over-full bin, even if your hands get dirty
Jericho residents go head over heels to keep our town Green and Clean. 
Is it time to deploy solar compactors on the Green by the Jericho Country Store?

Bernie urges us all to maintain a litter-free environment through caring, contribution, and community in order to protect our water, wildlife, and human health. 

Green Up Day is always the first Saturday in May. 

For more laughs, watch this video "The world's deepest [trash can] bin. Click here

Vote for your Favorite Trashy Headline 

1. Litter Spotted From Space - Aliens Pick Vermont, Cleanest Landing Spot

2. Cat Boycotts Green Up Day - Hides Her Litter.

3. Insects Decry Litterbugs - Launch "Sting-Em" Campaign.

4. Youth make it Cool to be Clean - Environment Wins!

5. Critters Bitter about Litter - Stage Demonstration Along Roadsides.

6. Scavengers Seek Trashy Treasure, Saturday May 7 (Green Up Day)
    Start Early for Best Pickings.

7. Litterbugs Denounced for ASBO (Antisocial behavior disorder)
    LIJW - Littering is Just Wrong.

8. Psychics Predict World Will Clean Up Its' Act  
       - IF we don't Trash it first.

9. Umpire Throws Out Litter- Dirty Call!

10. Businesses Quick to Move in after explorer discovers Litter-Free City.

11. Cigarette companies begin Recycling Effort- Target 2.1 Billion Cigarette butts thrown on the ground each year.
      Second-hand Smoke anyone?

12. Uncovered Pickup Truck Spills Trash-Leaves telltale trail.
       Driver Complains to Police - "Don't see you ticketing Hansel & Gretel".

13. Shortage of Litter Threatens Green Up Day. (April Fools!)

       Dozens Scramble to Pick Up Last Piece.
       Now that was easy!

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