As part of my Jericho project on iNatuarlist, I am observing life forms, particularly insects, in our one-acre yard in Jericho, Vermont. Below are some images of clearwings.
We are planting many shrubs (particularly host plants), fruit, and flowering plants that are native to Vermont, and that attract insects, pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. I am curious to see if my insect observations increase as these plants get established over the next few years.
Email me if you wish to receive a (free) spreadsheet listing of all of the Plants Native to Vermont and the birds, pollinators, and others that some of them attract.
Snowberry Clearwing (Hemaris diffinis) viewed in Jericho, Vermont

View more insects and other life forms viewed in Jericho, Vermont on my iNaturalist Jericho project page @
There are some pretty intriguing, and interesting life forms, some with artistic designs (like heart symbols). What life forms are you viewing in your yard in Jericho, Vermont?
Also, I have a few more insect photos on a previous blog posting -
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