Saturday, June 29, 2024

Jericho Library Local Author Festival & Summer Reading Party

Catherine Bass • Library Director, Jericho Town Library, Jericho

Jericho Town Library kicked off summer reading with a party on Saturday, 6/29, 10am-1pm! Crafts, comic- & zine-making stations, lawn games, bubbles, a Pride-themed tie dye booth (dye one of our provided handkerchiefs or scrunchies), and a wonderful line-up of local and local-ish authors who shared some of their stories.

Catherine and the library hosted the party at the Community Center in Jericho, 329 Browns Trace, Jericho, VT.

Readings were from our fabulous Vermont authors! Trish Esden, Max Folsom, Maeve Kim, and DonnaRae Menard shared excerpts from some of their novels, which are written for adults. KT Mathers, Tamara Ellis Smith, and Karen Stoneman read their children's books. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Jericho, VT Parody: A driver passed the digital speed sign and saw that it was darkened.

Browns Trace Parody: A driver passed the digital speed sign and saw it was darkened. 

Astounded that he could be traveling that slowly, he turned around and even going faster, passed the speed sign

Again the driver saw that the sign was darkened. He couldn’t believe it!

So he turned around and, going at an ambulance’s pace, he passed the sign. Again he saw the darkened sign. He guessed it must be faulty, so he went home. 

Four weeks later he received traffic tickets in the mail, all for illegal U-turns.

Sun in, Sign out - of order that is. 

Jericho Community for Slower and Safer Streets. Whatever it takes to get traffic to slow down - is our motto. We recognize the lifesaving power of slower roads.

  • Speed limits are a tool for controlling the significant risks drivers can impose on others. 
  • Can we re-imagine road design: What it looks like to put safety above car culture? To provide a better experience for people outside of vehicles on a street. 
  • Injury minimization: Consider putting people and safety first.
  • Community demands for traffic calming, for slower speeds, are worthy of our town's attention. 
  • Our public agencies must work to achieve these targeted safe speeds through narrowing road widths via design and other methods.  Regarding using fog lines: Significant reductions in "effective" street width are required to dramatically reduce speeds (14-16 feet effective width).

Saturday, June 8, 2024

JFiN walk at Jericho Research Forest 6/2024

On our June JFiN walk at the Jericho Research Forest, we went over the site guidance: Stay on the trails, do not disturb the vegetation, and observe nature, and the UVM research projects. Before starting our walk, we listened to songs from Tufted Titmouse, Red-eyed Vireo, Least Flycatcher, Ovenbird, Goldfinch, Eastern Wood-Pewee, and the Least Flycatcher. 

Attention all JFiN attendees: Each of the observation photos has a link to iNaturalist where you can see if other folks agree with my initial identification or if they have a corrected identification. 

Once on the iNaturalist page click on the item title to read more about it. 
There may be a quiz about these observations we viewed at Jericho Research Forest when I see you again at the next JERICHO FAMILIES IN NATURE walk!

Also, let me know what cool species you are observing in your yard.


CHESTNUT TREE (Genus Castanea)

Pine cone                                                                 EASTERN NEWT

Sweep Up the Sun (Step gently, look closely) by Rick Lieder, Helen Frost.            
The story read to us by Abbey (youth librarian DRML)

Hungry Insect?                                                             Partridgeberry (Mitchella repens)

Augochlorine Sweat Bees (Tribe Augochlorini)

Genus Herpetogramma ( A caterpillar/moth house)

Wolf's Milk (Lycogala epidendrum)                                                     Genus Dichelonyx


Gall and Rust Mites (Family Eriophyidae)        Milkcaps, Brittlegills and Allies (Family Russulaceae)

Genus Fuligo.  ( You all called it OOOEY GOOOEY)

JFiN guides and guests visiting and observing nature.
Lead us to Nature
we will never again
be lost. 

- Bernie